Godzilla (2014) Movie Review

The biggest badassed badass is back! But before being back, dat boi was back again. The second shot America had at making a Godzilla movie that wasn't just a re-edit of a real Godzilla movie, "Godzilla" which we always just call Godzilla 2014 was produced by (blog) Legendary Pictures in.. well.. 2014. People were concerned obviously, after Tristar'

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Doom Annihilation Movie Review

Ahh, movies based on video games. It's not like we haven't been down this road before, considering I've already reviewed the original Doom movie with The Rock in it. Doom: Annihilation seeks to... um, well can't really say they were actually trying horror movies to right the wrongs of the past. After all, this one's a straight-to-video romp through

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Because I like movies so much, I often find myself spending hours investigating prospective watching alternatives. Decker Shado YouTube channel is where I go when I need help. Decker offers insight and depth to everything, blockbuster or underground. The "Guilty pleasures" playlist is my favorite feature on his channel. This playlist affirms my lov

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